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About Crestcare

On a mission to put exceptional private healthcare within everybody’s reach.

On a mission to put exceptional private healthcare within everybody’s reach.

Hospitals with people at the heart

We have a vision of healthcare that better serves everyone in the ecosystem: patients, doctors, professionals, support staff and communities. With the opportunity to build a hospital group for the 21st century, we’re combining a people-first mindset with a technology-first platform. This means we can make healthcare delivery simpler, more collaborative, and more accessible to the people who need it most. 


Be One of Us

Every member of the Crestcare team is dedicated to delivering exceptional healthcare, always.

Crestcare's Leadership

Meet the people who work hard to make every single aspect of our healthcare delivery better.

The number of beds we aim to deliver in rural and peri urban South Africa.

Commitment to Health Equity



Every hospital bed creates 1.5 direct jobs within the local community.

Job Creation



SMMES produce up to R1 million in income per year for every R1 million invested in a hospital.

Economic Impact



Discover More About Crestcare

Why we do what we do.

Where you can find our facilities.

How we uphold our standards of excellence.

Resources for our medical professionals.

What we offer our patients.

Amplifying Our Impact

Using our footprint to benefit all South Africans.

By advancing health equity, we're not just improving community health outcomes - like increasing life expectancy and reducing maternal and infant mortality rates - but also driving significant economic growth. Bringing critical acute care closer communities has a ripple effect: every hospital bed added creates 1.5 direct jobs, and each R1 million invested in a hospital can generate an equivalent annual income for local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs). This approach doesn't only address immediate health needs; it fosters thriving, economically robust communities.

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