Dr. George Harris
Crestcare Malmesbury
Dr George Harris is a Cardiologist with a keen interest in interventional cardiology, heart failure, cardiac pacing and stroke medicine. His commitment to advancing cardiovascular care is reflected in his diverse experience and academic contributions.
Dr Harris completed hi undergraduate medical training at the University of the Free State and his post-graduate training at the University of Cape Town ad that of the Free State and his post-graduate training at the University of Cape Town and that of the Free State.
As a recipient of the RC Fraser International Fellowship in Interventional cardiology at St. Thomas' Hospital in London, under global expert, Prof Simon Redwood, he was able to continue his pursuit of excellence in cardiology.
SA Enduvscular, with Dr George Harris spearheading this effort, has started consulting at Crestcare Malmesbury. He is especially excited to partner with the surrounding GP's and his colleagues at Crestcare, to complement the already high standard of care and provide Cardiology expertise to the Malmesbury community.